Our mission is to maintain and enhance a visible, measurable, and sustainable mechanism of quality assurance in all the disciplines of the institute to make SIPM&R the symbol of high-quality education, research, and medical institution in the world that can produce the best professionals and the best treatment facilities to the people. 


  • To design and develop the quality standard benchmarks for each department with their consultation according to the HEC requirements so that the performance of the entire SIPM&R can be ascertained by identifying the individual performance of each department.

  • To monitor and evaluate each department of the institution according to the set parameters of HEC.

  • To review the quality of teaching and learning and all supporting factors to enhance and maintain the performance of the faculty. Moreover, an encouraging environment would be developed to provide conducive teaching, learning, and research culture.

  • To focus on all the factors that motivate students to learn, as well as to look at all the factors that hinder students’ learning, in order to motivate students to learn by giving support and encouragement.

  • Standardizing the institution as a high-quality medical institution should be done in such a way that the confidence of the people in the clinical activities of the institution can be established as a high-quality medical institution.

  • To develop the capacity building of the SIPM&R team through the HEC training program to enhance and maintain the overall quality of the institution.

Our mission is to maintain and enhance a visible, measurable and sustainable mechanism of quality assurance in all the disciplines of the institute to make SIPM&R as the symbol of high quality education, research and medicine institution of the world that can produce the best professionals and the best treatment facilities to the people. 


  • To design and develop the quality standard benchmarks for each department with their consultation according to the HEC requirements so that the performance of the entire SIPM&R can be ascertained by identifying the individual performance of each department.

  • To monitor and evaluate each department of the institution according to the set parameters of HEC.

  • To review the quality of teaching and learning and all supporting factors to enhance and maintain the performance of the faculty. Moreover, an encouraging environment would be developed to provide a conducive teaching, learning, and research culture.

  • To focus on all the factors that motivate students to learn, as well as to look at all the factors that hinder students’ learning, in order to motivate students to learn by giving support and encouragement.

  • To standardize of the institution as a high quality medical institute should be done in such a way that the confidence of the people in the clinical activities of the institution can be established as a high-quality medical institution.

  • To develop the capacity building of SIPM&R team through the HEC training program to enhance and maintain the overall quality of the institution.