Hooriya’s Journey: From Silence to Smiles

Hooriya’s Journey: From Silence to Smiles

There is a story that stands out above the rest in a home full of children’s giggles. The story of Hooriya, a lively 5-year-old with Autism Spectrum Disorder, is one that will warm your heart; her journey is a monument to love, resiliency, and the strength of the right support system.

Her early development was typical and joyous; she was learning to speak, recognizing body parts, and engaging with the world around her. until 1.5 years old when everything changed. She stopped speaking, became hyperactive, and developed unusual fears. Her mother, heartbroken and puzzled, tried spiritual treatments for two years with no improvement.

A New Path: Finally, a visit to a renowned doctor led to a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and further referral to the Center for Child Development at SIPMR, Hooriya began occupational therapy at age 4.

Therapy and Progress: Hooriya’s therapy focused on sensory integration, helping her with balance, sensory defensiveness, and social skills. Slowly but surely, she made remarkable progress. She now enjoys activities she once feared, her behavioral issues have been reduced, and she started recognizing body parts and following commands again.

Birthday Milestones: Before her diagnosis and treatment, birthdays were a source of distress for Hooriya. The sight of a birthday cake or the sound of the birthday song would trigger intense fear and agitation. However, after an year of dedicated therapy, Hooriya recently celebrated her birthday in a way that marked her incredible progress. She joyfully cut her birthday cake for the first time in years, smiling and singing along—a moment that symbolized her journey from silence to smile.

A Mother’s Strength: Throughout this journey, Hooriya’s mother remained her steadfast supporter, despite a lack of initial support from her father. With the therapist’s guidance, Hooriya learned to brush her teeth, eat independently, and her mother found much-needed relief.

Conclusion: Hooriya’s story is a powerful reminder that with determination, and the right therapy, any challenge can be transformed into a celebration.